Steal Facebook User Credentials ( Emails & Phone Numbers ) with OSIF in Kali Linux

Facebook is a social networking website where users can post comments, share photographs and post links to news or other interesting content on the web, chat live, and watch short-form video.
Many people on Facebook do not care about privacy and that is the golden point for hackers. The users put their phone numbers, E-mails and make them public. This makes easier for hackers to gather these things.
Here in this tutorial we are going to extract Facebook's users data (i.e. Phone numbers and Email) even if it's not public available for access.

Tools You Should Have

  • Kali Linux or any Linux distro can be used.
  • Python 
  • OSIF Tool

Configuring OSIF in Kali Linux

1. Fire up your Kali Linux Machine, open up the terminal, change the directory to the Desktop and clone the tool from Github with this command
git clone
2. Now change the directory to the OSIF folder by running
and expand it. Here you can see a script named with which will launch the tool. Before launching the tool, we need to install requirements by running this command
 pip install -r requirements.txt

The last command will install all the necessary packages required to run the tool without error. Now run the tool by typing
and you will be brought to osif start up page as shown below

There you will see a list of options. To use them you need to log in to your Facebook account to get the friend list. You have to log in to your account through the tool. To do that type
in the terminal and hit enter. This command will generate an access token for your account and finally you will be logged in as shown below.

Here we've put username and password of an account. Now launch the tool again and type help again in the terminal and hit enter.
Here we would like to collect the phone numbers from the friend list of the account we've chosen previously by running below command.

The collected phone numbers are saved in an output text file in the OSIF folder. These are very sensitive information and we don't encourage illegal usage of those informations.

Learn Hacking With Virtual on Youtube

9 Responses to "Steal Facebook User Credentials ( Emails & Phone Numbers ) with OSIF in Kali Linux"

  1. How to hack their passwords...?

    1. We will publish its tutorial soon stay tune here

  2. Replies
    1. Tell me where did you stack on?? if possible include a screenshot on your issue.

    2. fonctionne tres bien, surement une mauvaise utilisation de votre part

    3. Thanks @karim for your positive feedback. Keep visiting and subscribe to our mail list

  3. D3b2y >> dump_phone
    [*] load access token
    [*] Success load access token
    [*] fetching all phone numbers
    [*] start
    [!] invalid parameter on command : dump_phone

    showing me this

    1. If you have successful load an access token, look twice on your written command as I have tested and worked fine without any error. If an issue still persist let me know here and I will help you to fix it.

  4. When i tried entered user name as email in osif then it show wrong credential please help me


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